Friday, August 27, 2010

Yesterday didn't online eh. :x Cause needed to study science and literature. Sighs~ Let me post about yesterday if I could remember clearly. :B

Yesterday, had our maths and history test. Maths was veryvery easy. (: Hope no careless~ Mrs tang said difficult, wthell, scare me.. But to some people quite difficult.. Yumiko got a lot of carelessness. x.x Haishh.. Whereas for hsitory.. Qing kuang mei na me le guan.... ~ I forgotten almost all ! Oh god.. I'm dead.. For history.. Hope won't fail.. x.x After history was recess. OMFGoshh. I could rmb this CLEARLY. VIVIDLY. Omfg.. On our way to canteen.. We like got walked on the grass luhhs, or got grass nearby.. THEN.. ~ Jolene suddenly screamed, not really loud luhhs. Then she screamed and looked at the grass, the scare insects der wo.. OBVIOUSLY. Wull also scream.. Followed by jessica beside me.. Cause she knows that I scared insects, and if I scream, sure gen insects you guan....... LOL. Damn paiseh sia ! We even ran out of the grass to the parade ground. MOREOVER. In front of us.... Got sec 2 guys. Oh god. My face was damn red.. I think jess's redder.. Won't say why. :B We quickly walked to canteen.... :$ Then, after we left, I think mr sim passed by and he caught jo and yumi's skirts.. I and jess heng .. Could say is jolene saved us der.. ? ;x Haha.
Okay that's all I could rmb of~ STM LAA. ^^

Went earlier to school in the morning to read the science and literature again. The science was okok, quite easy. BUT. I got careless mistakes. WTHELL. ); For literature, I CAN CONFIDENTLY SAY: I EITHER FAIL OR JUST PASSED. -.- I forgot a lot sia.. And some parts I thought no need read then came out. WTHECK. ): After these 2 tests was recess. After recess, we suddenly talked about that mouse. L-O-L. Haa, yumiko hor. Hee. All of us think that IT'S JOLENELIMHUIJUN ! ;D Only jess, jo, me and yumi know what's this all about luhhs. xD Then geog no teacher in class, then class quite.... ABIT. Noisy laa.. Mr sim upstairs saw us.. Then we kana caught. Then, TADA. Tio ler lor. 1A go sit beside 1I's class. =3= The class beside 1I also very noisy.. Perhaps got teacher inside bah.. ._. Lol.. Sway. Then, aft geog period was histort. Went back to class. (: Relieve teacher came cause mr lau got chicken pox. ==' She was talking and we're talking too. HAA. x) Aft that was maths, did some activity. Sianzxs, need pair up w/ andrew. -.- Somemore sit beside him. Lol. HAHA, BUT OUR TABLES GOT ONE GAP. LOL. I know it's lame, :b Aft maths, went home by bus w/ jojo. Chatchatchat, bus came.
Reached home, bathed, lunched, tv-ed, napped, homeworked, dinner-ed, laptop-ed.
Tomorrow no training. SHIOK AH ! Can sleep till like si zhu. Hee. :$
Kk, nothing ler. I go watch my tv.
Byeeee peeeeps. :D

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