Friday, January 14, 2011

 See the tiny pig? Cute right! I know. :3
Look at my ultra big fat foot. ^^v

Hello. :D
Didn't post yesterday eh! Hehe, got miss me mah readers? LOL. Kidding. ;D Sooo. That above der big fat foot is actually my right sprained foot. LOL. I like very happy to post about it lidhat, heyhey! I'm actually sad kay. :( Tomorrow's my bigbig day and I sprained yesterday. WTF? :( Sad sia~ Okay, let me tell you what happened. LOL. *ahem* We were doing the drills. Then when I and yanru wanted to like run opposite directions, like she wanted to run right, I wanted to run left or whatever lah, we banged into each other and BOOMZXS. The impact was damn great, and so, we two fell. I suffered from a worse fall. :( SHE TOO FAT LAH! LOL. Jokingjoking! ^^ I cried at that very moment as it's very pain, just a shock uhs. Then gradually not pain ler. So paiseh sia, I cried like a baby, LOL........ Okay, whatever.. :P So, aft that I bai ka alr lor. :( Didn't train, they learnt new defence skills sia.. I and Emi just sat there, watched. (Heartbroken) How sad is this?!? :( Poor 2 little innocent girls, LOL. Random shit I know. :D Er, so,
Blablabla. I like today's geog. So fun , LOL. Then I like CME which is the last period, we did table deco. :) But I didn't, no materials~~~ Gonna fill my table up w/ pigs! Wait and see! :P Hehehehe. Helped huay yi to wrap her table then I went to tiantian and yanru to doodle on tian2's paper. COOL. :D Hohoho. After school, back home, then went to see zhong yi to tui my poor leg. Is this my b'day present from the heaven? :( Sad like shit.... Sighs.
Tomorrow still need go sunplaza park run, I just take timing for them lor. Shit lah, I want run~ Can jian fei! \m/ Hehehehe.
K, nothing ler.
Byebye :D

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