Sunday, July 3, 2011

If smiling can cause a dimple on my face, I will keep on smiling.
But, there will always be something that stops you from doing that.

Sorry my loyal readers out there if there's one! That I've not posted for such a long time! Oh, is it long? Hehe. To me, it is luh. It's been a few days or maybe even weeks that I've been blogging about my life. But, my life ain't really interesting. It's kinda boring I shall say. I've had trainings as per normal. OH. And school. I had school. HAHAHA. Okay, that's simply just too obvious that I'm schooling these few days. Had trainings on tues, thurs and sat. Let's talk about the first day of school.
Kay, seriously, it just sucks. If I didn't rmb wrong, ._. I'm really taiyard okay. I forgot what we did on that very first day of school but lessons just sucks. :) Sarcastic smile. Hehe. BUTBUT. Surprisingly, I find DNT lessons interesting! Perhaps cause it's miss kwek who's teaching us dnt? She simply rocks! I mean it. She's a fun teacher. I simply just love the way she teaches us and trying to make jokes that really can crack me out. Haheho. I'll be doing some sort of chopping board for my persona? Teehee. Gonna do some research later on. Haven't started on my homeworks! Such as english and maths. This time round, I hate maths. For the first time. 'Coz I just DON'T like graphs. And my class is learning on the quadratic equations. Sucks. :/
Well, for basketball~ I've been working hard to improve on my skills. And finally, I can see some improvement! ^^ I will continue this yeah! Haheho. Yesterday, afetr training, we went to ITE Colledge East to watch the ASEAN School games. Basketball one luhs. We dabao KFC there. Had them @ the eating area then went to watch matches. Cool or what! They're just simply coooool. Ohoh, I just realised that I've used a lot of 'simply' in this blog. :P Carry on~ Singapore lost to Philipines. :< Natasha was like yaying. x) But whatever the result is, the matches are really an eye-opener for me! I learn a few things I shall say from those matches :>
I cancelled my tuition. :$ I'm supposed to have tuition yesterday at around 4? But I thought I can make it in time. In the end, I had to cancel it and have to resume next week. Bluek. :/ I needa to brush up my skills on the graph works. They sucks. I'm really bad at graphs. Luckily, I love algebra. HOHOHO.
Completed english project today! YAY. Like finally. Feeling much more relieved now. But, there's still an individual presentation that's awaiting for me. Gosh, I don't understand the story. Urm, much more better understanding after the acting-out. :D Will try to do that yo. :/ Had fun moments with my group yeah! <3
Shall end my post with this,
Nationals are coming and the school team will be confirmed by thursday. Whatever it is, we'll work hard as a team and head towards to being a national champ kay! <3 TOGETHER. ^^ We will not let dunman down again like during the east zone competition. Urm, I hope so. Don't worry, we'll work hard! And harder if needed! :D

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