Friday, October 14, 2011

Freeeeedom yo!

Hey guys. :) Wow, it's been such a long time since I've posted like about one month ago? Ahahaha, sorry about that readers. :P Hmm. I've just ended EOY exams! Hellyeah! Gonna partyparty and PARTY. Urm, at home. xD And with my computer. Hehe. No lah, not that geek. Will be going to wildwildwet on monday to celebrate my basketball junior's birthday! ;) Look forward to photos ya? I bet there'll be loads of photos. Hehe. Okay, so today's my last day of paper which was literature. It went well 'coz our teacher gave us some hints and I've memorised or rather remembered them. ^^ While among the subjects, I'm most pleased is with my maths paper. It's really easy, coz it's set by mrs tang? Hahahaha, her papers are all really simple. :D YAY. Urm while for other papers, I've kind of screwed them up. :( But wtv, exams are already over! No point brooding over those I've not done well eh? ;) Being optimistic here. :b Well. After exams, I'm not sure what I'm gonna to do to spend my holidays. x) Ah. Holidays are coming. Girls are going to Taiwan. Sadly, I'm not able to join them. Hope they enjoy ah, and pray for taiwan to be safe! :))
Okay, so what am I going to spend today lehhh~ ? I'm not sure too ahahahaha. But it's gonna be sian 'coz got training in the afternoon. Hope I can survive through it ah. My stamina confirm has dropped till very.. :/ Haaais. Anyways, did I tell y'all I'm getting tired of basketball? Ohkay, perhaps I'm gonna post about my feelings here for awhile since I have nothing better to do. xP Urm. I felt really stressed while training with the seniors as they are really much more better than me. That's obvious? Haha. And with my skills, I can hardly be compared with them. And I miss those girls who do not train with us. :( Haaaais. Miss those times while training hard together and suffer and laugh together during training. But I know this time is coming soon when the primary 6 DSA come to join the c'div. :)) Hang on there zhiyu, wait for them and train harder! I cannot give up now eh. If not, those efforts I've put in during the cdiv are wasted. Wasted.. Sighhhs. But sometimes, I really give up. I'm ashamed of myself also lah. Hahahahaha.
Okay wtv. :/ Gonna end here eh! Gonna find something to do nao. :P Hmmmm~
Might be posting tonight! Expect my post soon kay! I promise. xD bye . :)

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