Friday, December 9, 2011

May I know your name?

Hello earthlings! How's your day today? :) HAHA, okay I should stop being so.. Formal? Well, didn't blog for almost one week. Was lazy. Hmm, not going to like really blog about each and every day, obviously. -_- Hahaha since my memory is not very good y'know :B Urm, in short, there's no trng this week but we had match against Zhenghua on last Monday. Milocup. :) We won, but we could do better. Ahh I was really lost in court omg x.x What happpppenedddd? T.T I don't know either. Well, perhaps I do know a lil. I'm scared? Hah. :/ Kay -skipskip- Gonna have matches on this coming sunday, monday and wednesday! Hope we will win throughout the first round! :D Urm prayed and shopped a lil with mum on wed. Wow. It didn't really turn out a good day as I became totally moodless when we're otw home.... I don't why leh, just don't feel like talking. I think, somehow, think that why I have no money? As in as compared to those rich families and blablabla. Yeah I know, I shouldn't think this way. But after seeing those bags, clothes and shoes I want, I can't stop myself to think THIS WAY. Omygod, I'm like turning into a bad and materialistic girl am I? :( I hope not. I'm trying to think that I'm alr very very very lucky to have a family, house and love. I'm alr more blessed than a lot of people in this world. So, I'm very regretful and remorseful for thinking and feeling this way after this bad thought. Coz I will never forget how much my mum loves me and how hard she works. I cried a lil everytime after this bad thought. Hais. I don't have a reliable and trustable person to talk to.. And so, I've blogged about my feelings. Still, I hope y'guys won't think bad about me uh haha though I know I shouldn't shouldn't think this way. :( About the person I can talk to, not that I don't want to talk to my mum about it or what, just that.. I don't have h2h talks with her before.. So I will feel really uneasy, uncomfortable relating to her my problems. Harhar :/ 
Ohohoh, sorry. I've drifted my post away from what I'm supposed to blog about! XD Urm I went down to watch the match of Nanyang girls vs Jurong Sec . Ofc along with some of the bgirls. :) Nanyang girls are wow, not bad, pretttty good. Phoo. We'll be against them soon anws fyi. Haha. Reached home around 6+, no time to sleep. :( 
I think I should end here le coz I'm getting lazy~ HAHAHAHA okay ! Byebye <3

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